
You can more or less say that I saved Billy.
Billy was for sale on…
I thought I could tell from the photos that he wasn’t very happy.

After making an appointment to come and see him, I found him in a pig barn literally with the pigs in the pen.

He was skinny and didn’t look good in my opinion.
Billy was in bad shape and I thought it was important that he got out of there for a better future…

So said and done.

When I got home I noticed that Billy had no faith in people.
I built this up very slowly, by letting him eat his food from my hand for about 3 weeks.

That was a problem for the first few days, but of course he started to get hungry and over time he started eating from my hand.

For the socialization process, I have taken him a lot to places where there are a lot of people, such as garden centers, shopping centers, markets, etc. etc.

Anyway, to make a long story short….

Billy is now my best friend and goes crazy every time I come home…

Due to the friendship I have built with him, he is very protective of me and watches over our home very closely…

Below I show pictures of Billy, and you can see his progress in the life he now lives….

Billy my best friend…


Billy was very skinny when i bought him...
Billy showing his happy face after 6 monts living with me....
My new friend, for life...